Sunday, January 01, 2006

Inspiration for the name

I first read Daphne du Maurier’s novel Rebecca when I was a teenager. I enjoyed it hugely, I found it an exhilarating read.

Rebecca is a novel of power and atmosphere. It is about obsession. It is about evil and its power and about the influence and hold of the past over us in the present. Rebecca makes its impact with the opening chapter when, in a dream, the young Mrs de Winter re-visits the house called Manderley, years after it has been emptied after the great fire. Manderley has been taken over by nature, gone back to nature. The grounds are overgrown, the terrifying, giant wild rhododendrons have crept over the pathway. I was smitten.

And when I went to college, I made this my first internet pseudonym on Yahoo! and hotmail. Funny, but the first time I created ids on both, I forgot the second phrasing of "do" and kept on using it until someone on chat asked me what happened to the other "do" (The id was Rhodendrons). Stupidity exposed, I had to correct that.

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