Tuesday, March 11, 2008

IPhone in Chennai

Here are the prices of various phonesin Chennai (Courtesy

Since a decent camera multimedia phone costs anywhere upwards of Rs 15,000, the Iphone seems to be an extremely good buy.

HP -iPAQ hw6965 > Rs 24,000

Nokia N95 > Rs 25,000

Samsung Armani >Rs 26,000

That is, if it is bought directly from the US. Unlocking is made easy with I tried this miraculous software and it works like a charm. In fact I even upgraded my Phone firmware from v1.1.3, to v1.1.4, and when my phone got locked again, I used Ziphone again to unlock it. FAQs for Indians who want to have an iPhone

1. Iphone cannot read contacts from an Indian SIM Card. Export your addresses to Outlook and Sync it with the iPhone

2. Even after that IPhone does not have the intelligence to pick up your contacts and show them on the caller id unless the phone numbers start with +91 XXXX, or +1 (for US callers). The normal Indian phones are pretty intelligent on this

3. IPhone's word dictionary is no match for Nokia's and motorola's powerful autocomplete T9 dictionaries.

It is too late int he night for me and my boss wants me to send him some stuff I'm pending on. My next post will continue this topic with additional stories on my hunt for an IPhone in Chennai