Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An Elephant in the way ?

What an innovative answer to a 12th standard Physics problem :)


Added Snap Previews to the Blog.
Looks cool, but makes loading pages is slower...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Throwing it open !

I hereby declare my Blog open (Selectively) to :
a) Mansingh - The man of Letters (Link)
b) Swami - The Erudite one
c) CNX - Know-it-all
d) KS - Kool Man (My former roomie)
e) M - The Learned one
f) Kash - Smart Dude (Link)

Bye Rhododendrons - Hi dEviLoPer !

After a lot of soul-searching, coffee, and sleeping, I have decided to rename my blog. The reason I'm renaming it is three-fold (I have a friend who has the habit of putting in a three-fold reasoning, even though the situation may be plain enough to warrant just one. The habit stuck on).

a) Re-Branding: Take the example of the onida devil, which was killed a few years back, but restored right in order. This is a very smilar case, as ppl know me as deviloper(Or as Virus which was the result of an unfortunate series of events in college) more than probably rhododendrons (an alias that I used to chat with unsuspecting ppl when I was in college)

b) Merging my Blogs/Gmail account: I merged my deviloper blog, my gmail account and my rhododendrons blog. This did take a lot of time...during my office hours (ppl next to my cube eould have heard the furious typing from mine).

c) The third reason as I said is really nothing. So My blog can be accessible from both, and

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Rules of Meetings

1) Never arrive on time, or you will be stamped a beginner.

2) Never carry stacks of papers/presentations to any meeting. You will be stamped as a beginner. Laptop is okay.

3) Don't say anything until the meeting is half over; this stamps you as being wise.

4) Be as vague as possible; this prevents irritating the others. Re-iterate some basic points as applied to the current meeting topic. Generally comment on processes.

5) When in doubt, suggest that a subcommittee be appointed.

6) Always praise someone or a team int he meeting. This elevates your status a lot and people would want you in a lot more meetings.

7) Make crude jokes on parties outside the meeting. This will make you popular

8) Be the first to move for adjournment; this will make you popular - it's what everyone is waiting for.

9) Explicitly take down an easy task for yourself to do; Repeat a couple of times. Ensures you don't spend too much time after the meeting, working out detail.

10) After the meeing is over, compliment someone on their clothes. This also makes you popular. On Audio conferences, talk about the weather and Iraq.